This is completely normal, particularly as you are exposed to more information and opportunities.
Choosing subjects for Year 11 and Year 12 should not be stressful.
My best advice is:
"Think about your strengths and what you are most interested in. Your choice of subjects based on this generally means you will perform well and remain engaged.
"Ensure you choose a balance of what you enjoy and what you might have to do as a prerequisite for further study, and space these choices across your two years of Year 11 and 12 - creating balance".
Career Balance Australia has a formula that will offer you the best scope of choice. If you are not sure what you want to do beyond Year 12, and you want to keep your options as open as possible, connect with us and we will assist you in creating your two year plan.
This can also be a time when you revisit your choices, through a career conversation, to ensure your plans remain manageable and on track.
Mai, Launceston 2021